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25 NOV

The energy islands are our common Mars mission

Denmark’s energy islands are hugely ambitious projects. It will require development and research—so let’s start now.

Energy and supply Electricity supply Energy efficiency Energy production Wind energy Energy systems
Jeanne Moënne-Loccoz (Foto: Vissing Fonden)
22 NOV

Fond uddeler priser til studerende inden for grøn omstilling af energiforsyningen...

Vissing Fondens Energipris er netop uddelt for første gang til studerende på de danske universiteter, der har skrevet de bedste kandidatafhandlinger om, hvordan omstillingen...

Energy systems Energy and supply
01 NOV

Digital foundation of future energy needed

Contribution i Altinget: Research holds the key to the future of green energy systems, but the national focus needs to be on the digital operating system that will connect...

Energy efficiency Energy storage Energy production Energy and supply Energy systems Solar energy Wind energy IT systems
Kilde: Energistyrelsen
29 OCT

Smarte løsninger kan spare milliarder på energiøerne

Indlæg i Altinget: Med nye innovative løsninger kan vi spare mindst 20 milliarder kroner på Danmarks to energiøer. Det svarer til en halv Storebæltsbro.

Energy and supply Energy efficiency Electricity supply Energy production Energy systems Wind energy
29 OCT

Digitalt fundament for fremtidens energi nødvendigt

Indlæg i Altinget: Forskningen har løsninger til fremtidens grønne energisystem, men mangler dansk fokus på digitalt styresystem, der skal binde det sammen.

Energy and supply Energy systems Energy storage Energy production Energy efficiency IT systems Wind energy Solar energy
(Illustration: CEE)
27 MAY

Platform for managing smart digital energy systems

Digitalization of our energy systems has increased the need for a better overview of the data and their uses. At the same time, heightened data integrity and cybersecurity...

Energy and supply Energy efficiency Energy systems Solar energy Wind energy Energy production
Rødby Fjord wind turbines (Photo: Ingrid Riis)
02 MAR

Major new partnership to solve future energy challenges

A large new Danish-Swedish collaboration aims to tackle one of the major challenges of the green transition: to use renewable solar and wind energy intelligently and flexibly...

Solar energy Wind energy Energy systems CO2 separation and CO2 storage
Students in auditorium (Mikkel Adsbøl)
13 MAY

To the point and specific

Best teacher of the semester Spyros Chatzivasileiadis acknowledged at a Department meeting online.

Electrotechnology and automation Energy systems Energy and supply
24 JUN

Tomorrow’s power grid should be intelligent

A new Danish-Indian project will enable the power grid to sense and compensate for loss of electricity and fluctuating input from renewable energy sources.

Energy systems Solar energy
Photo: Per Bromand Nørgård
22 MAY

EnergyLab Nordhavn wins Danish design award

EnergyLab Nordhavn received the Danish Design Award 2019 in the Visionary Concepts category.

Energy systems

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7 MAY 2024